Due to being a little busy for a couple of weeks, I'm making a few blogs ahead of time to be released later. This is being written on Feb. 28th. Monday, Chad Gable wore a suit on television and, last night, Maxxine Dupri was boo'd out of a house show.
I don't know who needs to hear this, but Chad Gable can be a legitimate competitor and still be funny. Leslie Knope was still a legitimate public servant, and she was hilarious. Not because she's the butt of the joke, but because, in this day and age, infectious positivity is both endearing and unusual.
With Big E on the sidelines and Kofi and Xavier flying the New Day flag on a bit more of a "let's give Kofi one, last, good run," than "Power of Positivity," we need someone to pick up that mantle in the midcard.
Sure, R-Truth is a national treasure, but he's the butt of the joke. Chad Gable makes the Alpha Academy work because you see these misfits, and you think, "Yeah. Just maybe."
What Chad Gable can offer is simply a glue to hold these numbskulls together. He doesn't have to be there all of the time. How often do you see Rhea with the rest of Judgment Day? He could easily lead a cult of positivity and give these midcarders some bonafides going into their matches.
It worked with Otis in-storyline. He was a bumbling fool, but now he's a bumbling winner. Maxxine's working on her in-ring skills in real life and kayfabe. And Akira just needs to win a few matches because that dude can grapple.
So, why stop there? I mean, you don't even need Chad Gable to go out and actively recruit. Akira could just keep bringing these rando superstars with nothing to do, Chad sees the ability at their core, and says, "I can inspire this person."
They could eventually be Opposite nWo. Half the midcard roster could be a bunch of dorks endeavoring to become better.
All the while, Chad Gable could chase, and occasionally hold, titles like Intercontinental or even whatever we're calling Seth Rollins's title. The World Heavyweight Title of RAW? Who cares. That title. He could occasionally have that title.
All the while, he can still inspire a gaggle a Superstars to make the midcard something to watch again.
Instagram and Twitter: @greencircleyall