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Rates and Breaks: Survivor Series 1999

Writer's picture: The Great Brown HopeThe Great Brown Hope

(November 24, 2023-The Great Brown Hope)

The Great Brown Hope here, good day to all! Hope everyone had a lovely holiday. Be sure to take some time to sit down and loosen your belts and watch some wrestling!!

We got a PLE coming up this weekend, Survivor Series War Games from Chicago, Illinois.

We're gonna take a look into the tinted rearview mirror as The Great Brown Hope breaks down a classic, Michael Cole approved vintage PLE. Back when the Survivor Series style match was still a staple of the way this PLE was put together on a yearly basis.


The Great Brown Hope Rates and Breaks(down)

Survivor Series 1999

Match 1: Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match

Pimp $quad Click: Godfather (w/Hoes), D'Lo Brown, and The Headbangers vs. The Acolytes and The Dudley Boys

We are live from Detroit Michigan and this place is LIT. Godfather comes out and requests that the pimps make their presence known. I doubt they were allowed to light up a doob in the crowd back in the day but Godfather sure makes you wanna do so. Out comes D'Lo Brown in pimp attire followed by Mosh and Thrasher who have also graduated from the local community college unaccredited institute of pimpin.

Dudleys make their way out and Bully Ray Dudley wants some hu-hu-hoooos.

Godfather said nu-nu-nooooooo.

Acolytes hit the ring and they are not in the mood for shenanigans. To be honest I do not remember this wrestlemania 2000esque entrance theme of theirs.

The bell rings and Mosh and Bubba start the match and we have already lost one afro wig. Mosh works over both Dudleys before he tags in the other member of LMFAO. Bradshaw enters the match and hits a Clothesline from Hell on Red Foo Thrasher and he is out.

Mosh is in and runs the gauntlet in the match against Faaroq, D-Von, and Bubba in sequences before being eliminated with a full version of Jey and Jimmy's "1D". Both members of LMFAO are now gone from this match.

Godfather and entry level pimp D'Lo are now down 4 to 2 in this match. Bradshaw is sick of this waste of precious time that could be spent at the bar and decks both D'Lo and his own partner with a steel chair disqualifying himself in the process.

Faaroq and D'Lo argue over who should get the pin and brawl to the back eliminating themselves via countout. Bubba Ray is left alone in the ring against the last two pimps of the modern world and cannot prevail.

Great entertaining opener featuring a classic style match for a classic PLE.

Winners: Godfather and D'Lo Brown

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Match 2: Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Stasiak

We finally get the debut for the rightfully hyped, truthfully gifted, REAL olympic gold medalist: Kurt Angle.

Kurt Angle's movements early on are really remarkable to watch today. His movements are so fluid yet so quick, so natural but with so much force. Stasiak is a great counterpart to making Kurt's style look great. The pace of the match gets slowed down and the crowd expresses their lack of patience for a traditional wrestling match.

Kurt Angle takes the mic and tells people YOU DO NOT BOO AN OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST. If only Kurt knew these people will boo an American as well as chant USA at a guy who is also in fact an American.

Angle hits a powerslam and quickly follows it up with the first Angle Slam and gets his first victory.

Winner: Kurt Angle

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Match 3: Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match

Val Venis, "Sexual Chocolate" Mark Henry, Gangrel, Steve Blackman vs. WWF European Champion The British Bulldog and The Mean Street Posse

I feel like Venis and Henry woulda fit well with Godfather's team, no offense to Headbanging LMFAO. This has got to be the most random team since the Oddities. Gangrel and Blackman round out the Rando Squad.

WWF European Champion The British Bulldog comes out with a bunch of guys from developmental who usually play security guards The Mean Street Posse.

Rodney looks like Drake Maverick

This match is just the top four contenders for the WWF European Championship vs The WWF European Champion.

Pete Gas looks gassed two minutes into the match. Blackman hits a Brogue Kick and Gas is now eliminated. Rodney Not Drake Maverick goes at it with Gangrel but gets eliminated after being hit with a stiff underhook DDT.

Joey Abs shows the most promise going lift for lift against Henry but gets eliminated after Death From Above. Bulldog is gonna have to run the gauntlet.

Bulldog first eliminates Gangrel and then eliminates Blackman. The Champion of All of Europe just may have had a chance til Venis hits the Money Shot and gets the victory for their team.

Winners: Val Venis and Mark Henry

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Match 4: Sudden Death Eight Woman Tag Team Match

Mae Young, Fabulous Moolah, Tori, and Debra vs. Jacqueline, Luna Vachon, Terri Runnels, and WWF Women's Champion Ivory

This was a typical 90s WWF women's match. Not alot of action. King making nothing but references to infant dogs and dinosaur jokes about Mae and Moolah. Tori, Jacqueline, Ivory, and Luna had very brief moments to show their skill but Moolah scores the pin for her team in a match that took less time than all the entrances.

Winners: Mae Young, Fabulous Moolah, Tori, and Debra

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Match 5: X-Pac vs. Kane

What a pop for Kane. WWE really screwed up not strapping a rocket to this guy.

X-Pac knows Kane's offense best and is ready for everything Kane is dishing out. Kane goes for the flying clothesline early but X-Pac kicks him in the face and takes advantage of the shift of momentum.

But Kane knows X-Pac's offense just as well and counters the Bronco Buster with a vintage Tilt a Whirl Backbreaker and follows it up with a flying clothesline.

Road Dogg interferes and it backfires. Kane continues to beat down X-Pac til DX runs down and Kane gets hit with a belt as the ref calls for the bell. Kane gets the DQ victory, gets jumped by DX, and then Tori gets kicked the f out when she runs down to help. This personal beef just PERSONAL!!....?? Yeah MORE PERSONAL!

Winner: Kane via DQ

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Match 6: Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match

Prince Albert, Mideon (with clothes on), Viscera, and WWF Hardcore Champion Big Boss Man vs. The Big Show, The Blue Meanie, Sho Funaki, and Taka Michinoku

The Big Show beat up his own team on Sunday Night Heat. He wants the Big Boss Man.

Big Show chokeslams Mideon. Eliminated.

Big Show chokeslams Albert. Eliminated.

Big Show body slams Viscera.

Big Show CHOKE SLAMS Viscera. Eliminated.

The Big Boss Man runs away to fight another day like a Kanye West song. Big Show gets the victory!

Winner: The Big Show

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Who could have done such a thing?

I really hope they had a proper investigation for this matter.

Anyway, where were we.....

Match 7: WWF Intercontinental Title Match

Chris Jericho vs WWF Intercontinental Champion Chyna (w/Miss Kitty)

You know I got ya...



We get our first title defense of the night. It's the first and only female WWF Intercontinental Champion in history, Chyna, vs Chris Jericho.

Y2J shoves Kitty and we got a brawl. They go to the outside as this crowd expresses their Pro-Y2J stance.

Don't Treat Her Like a Woman Chyna uses her power moves against Y2J showing she can hold her own just fine in a Men's division. Chris goes for a low blow but Chyna aint got no balls so that didnt do Chris any good.

The action spills back onto the outside as Jericho throws Chyna into the pieces of scenery and hardwood surrounding the ring.

This match is going well but all the announcers can do is talk about Stone Cold getting hit by moving vehicle.

Jericho pushes Chyna around and hits a beautiful delayed suplex followed by the vintage flex pin attempt. Kitty gets involved again allowing Chyna to hit Jericho with a hard spear and begins to pick up steam.

This crowd REALLY doesnt want Chyna to win.

Chyna hits her springboard elbow and a DDT for the near fall. Jericho hits Chyna with the belt for another fall. And now Chyna uses Seth Rollins' Pedigree on Jericho!!

Jericho locks in the walls of Jericho to massive crowd approval but Chyna makes it to the ropes. Kitty hits a low blow to Jericho and Chyna hits a Super Pedigree!!

Chyna retains her Intercontinental Championship. And now Jericho has to get a sex change!

Winner: (and still) WWF Intercontinental Champion Chyna

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Match 8: Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match

Hardcore Holly, Crash Holly, and Too Cool (before they were cool) vs Edge & Christian, and The Hardy Boyz (w/Terri Runnels)

It's crazy that Crash and Bob only weigh in at 800 combined pounds. They definitely look like they'd weigh in at no less than 900 combined pounds.

Edge and Scotty 2 Hotty kick off the match and da lid stays on during the action. You can tell these were the earlier Too Cool days cause this crowd is NOT responding to any of Scotty's offense or Sexay's taunting.

Matt and Crash get into it as Sexay gets involved as does Christian. Everyone wants a piece so everyone's hitting a dive to the outside.

These matches highlighted just how stacked this tag division was at that time. Godfather and D'Lo, Headbangers, Acolytes, Mean Street Posse, Viscera and Mideon, Kaientai, New Age Outlawz, Too Cool and The Hollys. And they had The Dudleys, E&C, and The Hardyz RIGHT THERE ready to breakout. And those are just the teams that got screen time on the PLE.

Edge hits three Spears but pins no one. Edge spears his teammate Matt by mistake and Hardcore Holly takes advantage and eliminates Edge. Scotty notices Matt is still outta wack cause of that Spear from Adam Copeland and he eliminates Matt and this match quickly goes down to 4 on 2.

Too Hott Scott hits The Worm and the crowd goes......MILD. Man that was odd to watch considering people would go crazy for that not too long after.

Terri Runnels provides distractive services and Jeff Hardy hits an almost perfect 450 splash and eliminates Scotty. Christian and Jeff hit some tag team offense on Crash and they look great together doing it. Christian even hits Poetry in Motion with Jeff!

Holly hits a HUGE dropkick from the top rope and Jeff Hardy is gone. Seconds later Christian hits a reverse DDT and eliminates Sexay.

Two on one. One versus two. It's Christian going up against 800 pounds of man all by himself. The few early Peeps try to get Christian going but Double H is just too strong. Crash gets tagged in and gets hit with the Unprettier. Crash Holly is eliminated.

Christian and Hardcore Holly go at it for a brief stint til Holly rolls him up for the win. A great match foreshadowing great things that were to come for all four teams involved.

Winner: Sole Survivor Hardcore Holly

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Match 9: WWF Tag Team Title Match

WWF Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlawz vs. Mankind and Al Snow

WHAT DOES EVERYBODY WANT? A tag team title match!

Ah yes. This was the time Walmart banned the Al Snow action figure. Remember that?

Everyone in this crowd wants HEAD while Billy Gunn has Foley in a HEADlock. Outlawz tag in and out while holding control of their opponents. Al Snow gets the upper hand on the offensive end over the Dogg of the road. Snow hits him with a chair on the outside and the ref didnt see a thing, that's his story and he's sticking to it.

Mankind slows the match down continuing to apply damage counters to Road Dogg. This isolation is offense is really working out in their favor, I know a basketball team that could benefit from such a strategy.

Dogg cannot complete his series of punches and gets hit with a flurry of HEADbutts from Snow. He tries it one more time and this time it's good! Crowd pops!

Chaos ensues and everyone is sparring on the outside. This referee has lost total control of this match, he probably forgot which two guys are the legal competitors.

Mr. Ass hits the Fame Asser and Road Dogg gets the near fall. Mankind hits Road Dogg in the groin, Al Snow Plows Road Dogg, Mr. Socko enters the match and Mankind applies the Mandible Claw. Double Mandible Claw!! But it's not good enough.

New Age Outlawz hit the spike piledriver on Foley and retain their titles.

Winners: (and still) WWF Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlawz

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Match 10: Triple Threat Match for the WWF Title

WWF Champion Triple H vs. The Rock vs. ???

We are told Stone Cold wont be in this match afterall so dont place your bets on Austin.

The Rock comes out first and this crowd goes nuts. Rocky wasn't even in his prime yet.

Our WWF Champion Hx3 comes out next.



Well, it's....the Big Show. Would it have been Boss Man if he pinned Big Show earlier in the night instead of running away?

Rocky does not look pleased, he actually looks a bit shook whilst Triple H is pissed.

The match gets underway and Rocky and Hunter gang up on Show. They're able to get him out of the ring momentarily before the action gets back into the ring.

The Rock hits The People's Elbow on the Big Show and goes for the early victory but Triple H makes it in time to break the count.

Big Show and Triple H battle outside by the entrance area and Big Show cannons Triple H into the rails. Rocky joins the fray (not the band) and they continue to fight by the entrance way. No countouts or dqs in a triple threat match, somebody has to get pinned in the ring.

Big Show spits the not so lethal water mist in The Rock's face and it's not very effective. Triple H and Le Rock join forces and suplex Big Show through the Spanish Announce Table.

It's always the Spanish Announce Table.

Rates and Breaks Spanish Announce Tables Destroyed: 1

And now it's Rocky and Helmsley as Hebner tries to keep up with them. They get back into the ring and The Rock accidentally lays the smackdown on Hebner. Rock Bottom on Triple H, but no referee.


Another Rock Bottom but Big Show's pull out game is top tier so he pulls out McMahon to the outside before he can count to 3. Big Show throws Dwayne into the steel steps as Triple H Pedigrees Shane. DX runs inteference but not for long cause Vinnie Mac is back. Vince hits Triple H with the belt, Big Show Chokeslams Triple H, and we have a NEW WWF Champion. What a week for the Big Show.

Winner: (and New) WWF Champion Big Show

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The Great Brown Hope's Hits of the Break:

Match of the Night: Hardcore Holly, Crash Holly, and Too Cool vs. Edge & Christian, and The Hardy Boyz

Wrestler of the Night: Big Show (2 matches and 5 pinfalls)

Survivor Series 1999: 🔥🔥🔥 3Pyros

Dont forget to follow The Great Brown Hope on all his socials. And follow us on our Main Event Wrestling Network socials as well at our linktree below.

Dont forget to hit that heart button at the bottom. And dont forget to brush your teeth. See y'all again soon.

(this chapter of Storee Time with The Great Brown Hope has been brought to you by Four Loko. Drink Four Loko.)



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